Look! I'mma not a liberal!...
This is from me and me only, but whenever a liberal dons camo, carries a gun, and kills a fellow living being -- what we southerners normally refer to as "game" -- then it means he's in deep caca (that's a foreign word for "poopy").

This cracked me up. Here’s an Australian newspaper’s take on Kerry’s recent "hunting trip:"
Hunt for bloke vote
Melbourne Herald Sun - 1 hour ago
A CAMOUFLAGED John Kerry mounted a pre-dawn shotgun attack on an unsuspecting goose yesterday in a bid to broaden his image among undecided voters as "a guy".
I dunno, maybe PITA joined them and they chanted a prayer to the, well, the notta-god of animals or something containing language about how the goose was a sacrifice for the greater cause of destroying all real hunters. "My dear lovely goose. My brother in feathers. Your death will serve, one day -- after we take all their gun you see -- in one day meaning no more of your kind will ever be shot from the skies again...."
Back on track....
The last democrat I remember doing photo ops of himself with a gun -- just before an election -- was Tom Foley, OR. He was the speaker of the house who was ousted in the republican upset of congress that took place in '94 (I think that's the year) after the Clinton election. In the days just before his loss -- the first Speaker of The House to be put out by his electorate since the Civil War -- he was filmed at the gun range shooting a (*gasp*) rifle.
So, I'm thinking this is a sign Kerry is in trouble. Sure, the race is tight, and some things I don't like about it, but so far, in all the polls, Kerry has really not topped Bush -- yet. But this thing is darn close.
It really doesn't matter to me if Bush can speak plainly or not. A good-enough conservative deaf/mute would be fine by me as long as he killed our enemies, cut taxes and feared God, but, still, for the love of mike, teach Bush how to talk -- it does, for some reason, matter to liberals that a candidate look/sound good ... hrm, I wonder if that explains their psyche a little.... Hehe, Cher actually came out a week or so ago and said the dems need to get the fatboys -- like Joe Lockhart -- off the team cuz his fatness would cost them votes....