"Please help me. Please help me," Hassan said, trembling. "This might be my last hours." The gaunt Hassan begged, shaking with fear and burying her face in a tissue. Margaret Hassan, the kidnapped director of CARE International in Iraq.

When will people learn? It doesn't matter how big your heart is for these people. They will still kill you. Nothing will stop them from hating us, wanting to kill us, and sometimes succeeding. Nothing except one thing: strength of might -- a show of force. Liberalism has never won a war for any nation. Peaceful protest has never succeeded in keeping an enemy from conquering you. Sure, the British left India, but only because they wanted to. They left other nations around that same time, but people hold up Ghandi's peaceful protests as the means by which it happened. I am not opposed to peaceful protest, and it has its place. But this is not the place, this is not the time, not when we're seeing stuff like this.
Yesterday, I discussed building your testimonies, and I meant that. However, when I was a kid I saw this bee drowning in my dog's water dish. My heart went out to it. "That poor bee. He's dying. I feel sorry for it. I want to help it." And, so, I reached in with my hand and scooped it out. Guess what, he promptly stung me. In pain and fear and impulse I squished it, and then I learned an important lesson that day: misdirected compassion can come back with an equal amount of harm. In our attempts to be compassionate, we have to use our grey matter. Don't feed an able-bodied man who can work. Don't hand an alcoholic homeless man cash, and don't pick up a just-released inmate and take him home to sleep in the same place with your wife and kids. Have the heart of a dove, sure, but have the wisdom of a snake....
I tell ya, what I'd like to hear is, "all CARE International workers are doubling their efforts in Iraq -- they are also now required to carry loaded M16s...." Now, see, that's love....
But, back to the point: this really pisses me off. On one hand, I feel for these people who care so much for humanity, but then I want to jack slap them for not getting it -- for not getting that their world view is screwed up, for not getting that a state is only a state as long as it has the military power to be a state, that the world is not inherently good. It is inherently evil (do you still need proof?). That although you are a big-hearted, peace-loving, wanna-help-your-fellow-man sorta person, that doesn't mean the people in the world you want to help feel the same way. They are confusing their desires (to give and to help others out of their plenty) with the desires of these blood-sucking bastards that capture innocent, western workers in their countries and then cut their heads off.
If you want to be a martyr for a useless cause, then by all means, head over seas -- to a country of your choosing wherein poverty is rampant, hatred of the west is replete, and the need is great -- and offer up your head on a stake. But for the love of Pete, don't act fucking surprised when the time comes to separate your cranium from its foundation. I'm sorry, I truly am, but you've asked for it....
And now for some Churchill quotes:
"When I warned them [the French Government] that Britain would fight on alone whatever they did, their generals told their Prime Minister and his divided Cabinet, "In three weeks England will have her neck wrung like a chicken." Some chicken! Some neck!" --Sir Winston Churchill
"In War: Resolution. In Defeat: Defiance. In Victory: Magnanimity. In Peace: Goodwill." --Sir Winston Churchill
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