Or "What Women Want...."
Everything is more fun naked except cooking with grease.

Yes, cooking naked is bayad, mmmkay? But it's nice attire with a woman, that is, if she wants you in that state....
Women don't know what they want, and you can't find out by asking them. Oh, sure, they'll tell ya what they want, but that's not what they want.
What do women want? I'll tell ya: a rich guy -- flat, plain, simple. Now, this might also mean a jerk. Why? Cuz rich guys are typically jerks and/or, jerks make it up the ladder more than non-jerks. Pushy businessmen, lawyers, etc. -- they get places. Jerkdom also displays testosterone. Read about what effects testosterone has on a guy and it basically describes the typical, jerk, high-achiever-type, and that's why women chase these ... well, these jerks, but that's not what they'll tell you. When you ask them what they want they'll say, "I want a nice guy." Bullpoopeyshooshy! They do not, and if you are a nice guy and/or if you treat them the way a nice guy would treat a girl they'll dump you.
Remember, a real man doesn't need a woman to be complete. As a matter of fact, he might just let one tag along for the heck of it, but if she leaves -- big deal. A real man is grappling with his world, conquering it, making money, climbing the ladder, going places and a woman is nothing but a footnote to that. Boy, what a jerk I am for saying that eh? But, see, that's what they ("they" being women) want. I'm only explaining it to you. If I thought fawning over women, being nice to them, catering to them, telling them how beautiful and wonderful they are -- if I thought that's what they really wanted then that's what I'd tell you, but they don't.
Remember, always be a jerk -- except to your mother. Be good to your mother....
Perhaps George Santayana describes, best, the thought processes of a woman:
"Sanity is madness put to good uses"
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