Dunkin Donuts never gets robbed....
Automobile makers, government and cops -- I can tell you one they won't do: they won't ever do anything to keep you from getting a speeding ticket. I.e., wtf does my car go faster than any legal speed limit in any state of the union? Do they imagine a time when I need to go that fast? If so, where are the laws that would allow for speeding? Why do cops never hide waiting for speeders going uphill?

Insurance companies, cities, states, local governments are running a racket with speeding tickets, and I can promise you this will never change no matter what technological advances there are. They're always going to allow drivers to break it and they're always going to profit from it....
It should be simple to put governors on cars that would prevent them from going over 70 MPH -- the fastest speed limit in the U.S. (yes, yes, if you do not live in the U.S. spare me the whining -- I know laws are different else where, but, like, I don't live else where, capice?).
Ok, ok, yes, I recently got a speeding ticket....
I liked especially how he hands me a $91 ticket and then says, "slow down sir." Um, ya, I was just thinking that when I got the sticker shock of the ticket. Is it really necessary to tell me to slow down after this experience ociffer? To me, that's piling on. I'm gonna start caring an umpires, yellow-weighted flag and when such things are said I'm gonna toss it out the window, and blow a whistle and then say, "unnecessary roughness -- piling on at the end of the play by officer 267 -- first down!" Yea, that should go over well.
(Mumble) ...rookie!
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