The Money Pit
Yes, yes, it's been 10 generations of Jacob since I posted last....

I bought a house last week. Ya, I did that. It goes something like this: "sign here, and here, and here, and this one, and right here ... k, and here, this says the house is really ours but we let you live there as long as you give us money for a great portion of your life -- lots of money. K, sign here, and here, initial that one -- no, no -- your initials. Alright, sign here and there. This one says we own your first child. Not married? K, we own your nuts then...."
So, I'm looking at a house payment for a looong time, but oh well. My own digs....
I bought brass numbers for my mailbox (cuz, like, it was waaay to easy to just get plastic, stick-on ones....), and fought with how to attach them to it. They came with little 1 penny, brass nails. After trying to bang them in ... in the dark with a flashlight -- in a lot of wind -- I finally took the mailbox off and brought it in the house. Luckily, I had tools. I thought of drilling holes, but that made no sense. The mailbox is plastic. Finally, it dawned on hulk to use stove eye to heat nails and melt them in therefore securing the nail, but hulk's head hurt and hulk smashed mailbox and house instead. Seriously though, the stove eye idea worked out great and now I have these really fancy brass numbers on my mailbox.... I got some bigger ones to put on the house proper.
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