Wednesday, January 26, 2005

FreeBSD Expedition: Entry #1


I've decided to learn FreeBSD. Here goes me! I went to google and punched in "FreeBSD" (cuz, I kept reading about it on /.) and the first link took me to this site: I'm already afraid cuz when I got there I saw a devil -- a cute, little, devil, but still a devil. What are they already trying to tell me? That this will be hell? Why do Open Source people choose such zany mascots?

Debils! I see Debils!!! ----
\ /

So, I go there and immediately want the ISOs to burn the install disks. I had to look for a good minute to find the right link -- not too hard, but all sites should have a huge "DOWNLOAD HERE" button or area on the site for easy, and thought free, downloading cuz, well, not just to deal with dumb people like me, but mostly because I HATE WAITING or LOOKING or ANYTHING THAT TAKES AWAY ONE SECOND OF MY LIFE THAT COULD LATER BE SPENT WATCHING THE SIMPSONS!!!

So, four clicks later -- and more thinking and looking for what I want, cuz I want the latest greatest being teethed on Windows, and will settle for nothing less, and, well, 5.3 is the latest/greatest, but I see the date on the 4.11 folder (erm directory) is actually later than on the 5.3 and -- well, got confused but figured it out and DLed it.... Btw, when I think of OSes and 4.11 I think of Netware....

So, got the ISOs DLed and burned and pop disk 1 into the ol' CD drive. Helo (proper way to spell "helo" when doing SMTP commands) Darik and thine way cool hard disk eraser! I know thee well -- well, not well ... just used it once before, but still. I hit the read me on a floppy of Darik's I already had made and read the readme to find "quick" and do a quick erase -- um, quick ... ya right quick....

"DBAN succeeded. All selected disks have been wiped...."

Woohoo! On to FreeBSD install! This should be a cinch!...

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Apple ain't dyin'...

"COMPUTER icon Apple has posted a huge rise in quarterly earnings, trumping Wall Street expectations and setting a new record for the company."

It's the Ipod and the Ibook. You got to hand it to Jobs, the fudgepacker ain't dumb and continues to prove himself a visionary. Gates has got to be feeling like a Salieri -- if not now, then maybe years down the road....

Monday, January 03, 2005


I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing. I'm not sure my boss knows what I'm supposed to be doing either, but he wants me to be very busy doing it....

Robert Ringer stated that working long, hard hours gets you one thing: old. He taught the principle of working smart, not necessarily hard. Management catches on to phrases, things, slogans. The ol' 80/20 rule. They love that one. There's a book on that ... a book on that -- can you imagine?... Lemme give it to you in a nut shell: 20 percent of the people cause 80 percent of the problem. 80 percent of the people cause 20 percent of the problem. Deal with the 20 percent, yada, blah, phooey. I first heard a preacher use this. I just love how business and religion is so mixed these days. They read the same books, use the same ideas, go to the same seminars. Religion is just another business anyhow. Hey, I'm off topic!

Bottom line is: don't worry about your job. If you have any modicum of skill at all you can get another one. Trust me on this cuz people with no skills whatsoever have some really good jobs. And getting back to that 80/20 thingy: only 20 percent of your success is actual job knowledge/skill level. 80 percent is personality. Don't ass kiss -- you gotta be able to sleep at night and nobody likes a phony -- if you kiss ass it'll come back to haunt you I'm convinced ... maybe in Valhalla before Odin or something, but it'll happen. I can see it now, some ass kisser standing before Odin and Odin going "ya, yer damnen assen kisser ... senden yourden assen to Loki now. Ya, Loki, show deez assen kisseren what ve doern here withen heezen kinden..." (I typed that out didn't I?).

So, chill bill. Job/shmob. Don't let it run your life. Work to live don't live to work. Let's say that again -- all together now: WORK TO LIVE! DON'T LIVE TO WORK!!! Cuz, like, you know who died on 9/11 and who lived? The "good" employees died. All those folks who got up early, got there on time or beforehand. They bought it. The slackers, the people they interviewed down on the street after it was all over -- lots of them were late and thus were able to breath and speak. Can you imagine being a dude that maybe just got fired a week before or a day before? Wow. Whata new view on that experience! Love your family. Work to provide for others -- not just yourself loser! And don't let your job make their lives miserable. Capice? Comprende? Good....